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The Griffith Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarship award for intelligent students. All the brilliant students from around the world can apply for this scholarship in Australia. To get the financial support you should meet the standard terms of scholarship. If you are capable enough to fulfill the criteria, the university helps you to achieve your dreams. Let’s discuss more about how can we get this college program by 5$ per day? Find out how beneficial this scholarship for your studies?

Financial Support

Scholarships provide financial support for students. Therefore, this grant allows students to get an education in Australia at low expenses. Thus, with the help of this aid, you can pay half of your tuition fees. However, some students must pay only a quarter of the fees you would use to cover classes. But, in the start, it provides 50% of your tuition fee and living cost.

Available for Both Levels

No matter what scholarship, whether you want a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree, it is open to all. To this end, whether at the beginning, middle, or later stage of your academic journey, you are still eligible also for a grant, aid, or scholarship.

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What Are The Eligibility Requirements for This Scholarship?

It is easy to meet their merits, but you must have complete information about it. Thus, read this content till the end for more information.

·         Not for Australians or New Zealanders

This scholarship is available for students and contributes to immigration from countries other than Australia and New Zealand. You may only come from those mentioned countries to be eligible for this extra aid.

·         Must-Have Brilliant Academic Record

Excellence will be the requirement to get this scholarship. Your GPA from the previous study background must be equal to or greater than 6. It is the proof that you have done your best in the institute. Your academic record must be outstanding.

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Find the Program You Qualify For

Find scholarships that fit you by considering your job, interests, classes, and any certifications you have. After figuring out which niche is yours to apply, you can start looking for scholarships online. Make sure you only enter in the majors that you are interested in. Defining a program will narrow down the effort you must put into this process. Also, it can make it easy to find the scholarship when you know what you are signing up for.

Be Professional

Before applying for the scholarship online, ensure you have a professional online presence. Remove any inappropriate material or info from your profile. Keep your social accounts clean, up to date and appropriate. And your email address should be professional too.

How to Get a Scholarship?

Some of the vital steps are to help you get this aid.

·         Application Process

You can file for the scholarship and access their official site. There will also be some form filling that you must do, including your academic records, resume and a personal statement as part of the requirement.

However, this procedure is very easy and simple. So, you can apply online and learn about the documents that you need to attach with your application form. You can get this information on their official site.

·         Prepare For Application

Collect all the important documents that you need to write an application for the scholarship. Hence, you may need to provide financial information and academic records. You can also check these things on their official site, but get all these in advance as transcripts, like tax returns. Test scores can take a long time to arrive if you are missing any one of them. Keep in mind that this program is for students with lower-income backgrounds.

Before writing the application, make sure you have gathered all the information. After getting all the information, don’t rush; before writing the real one, write a practice copy of the application just to make sure you don’t mess up. Write it down and check if the information is all right. Attach it with your application form and submit it.


If you are going to apply for the scholarship, then you must follow the deadline. There are various deadline and you must take the updates on the site. If you want to start in Trimester 2, 2024, the deadline is April 13, 2024. If you want to start in Trimester 3, 2024, the deadline is August 10, 2024.

Online scholarships are very handy as you don’t have to post your documents or information or worry much about the arrival of the documents that you need. However, online scholarships still have deadlines. Once you make a list of programs in which you want to apply, keep track of the last date to apply and other deadlines mentioned on their official websites. Some scholarships have deadlines of a year in advance. Remember that you apply for the scholarships as soon as possible and hope for the best.

Updates and Alerts

At the search bar of the website, you will also get updates about the latest education opportunities. However, to get the visa information, you must check the details at authorized visa site. The authentic and reliable information is available on the site for the convenience of the candidates.

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